Tuesday, September 25, 2012

You say Ice Cream, I say Gelato

When I stepped inside Cafe Publico, I felt being transported to another world with their Italian / European inspired interiors.  The bright colored walls,  dark wood furniture create that cozy quaint ambiance which makes it the ideal place to spend time with friends and family.

Cafe Publico is known for serving the very famous "Italian dessert" aka Gelato.  They have over a dozen flavors to choose from with interesting names like Sophia Loren, Dirty Mint, Toothpaste, Black Samurai and many more...

Cafe Publico also serves other dishes. They have pasta, sandwiches and savory dips with crisps and also serve wine.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to taste these dishes for I was more attracted to those yummy Gelatos.  I had Limoncello and Vanilla Gelato and indeed they did not disappoint.  It was creamy, refreshing and overall tasted really good.

Gelatos are a splurge so worth it and I would definitely be back for more.
Please give it a try, it's worth the visit....and oh bring the kids of course!

Cafe Publico is located at Greenhills Shopping Center, San Juan

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